
Thursday, February 23, 2012

This Is What God Has Been Showing Me

Tears streaming down my face.  I found this video on another adoption blog, Joining The Journey, and knew I had to post it here.  It says so much about how I feel about why we are on this journey.  God has given me so much and it's not for my's for me to give to others.  If I know there are hurting people out there, why would I sit back and do nothing?  How will my little one (and others!) learn about the love of Jesus if I never act as His hands and feet?  Those are just some of the things that God has lain on my heart.  I pray that if He is speaking to you about such things, that you will be open to hear it and willing to obey.


  1. I pray God will pour His mercy out upon us when we have been guilty of "Depraved Indifference."

  2. Holy goodness, don't watch at work. I'm ashamed.

    1. You're ashamed? By the video? Or did you cry in front of your coworkers??
