
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

40 Bags in 40 Days

So here's what I'm doing for the next 40 days!  As with most of you, my house has plenty of clutter and plenty of stuff that can be purged.  So, each day I'm going through my house and filling a bag of stuff to give away.  I have a feeling it won't be hard.  At all. 

Then, after I've gone through my whole house, we will be having a huge yard sale.  Some of the ladies at church are going to be having a yard sale to raise money for orphans.  We will donate the proceeds of the garage sale to HELP, and help rescue kids in places like Haiti, Zimbabwe and Uganda.  

It's a win-win situation: I de-clutter my house and help others in the process!  I'm off to fill my first bag!  Anyone want to join me??

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